PS: Do you want to know what is your interests ? click here


CPV price per view ranges from $ 0.001 to 0.1 CPV.

CPA (cost per action) such as sending a message, calling us, routes, visiting a website) from $ 0.50 to $ 10 depending on the business.

CPM CPM from $ 0.50 to $ 2 CPM.

Facebook and instagram marketing

Tiktok marketing
Linkedin marketing
Twitter marketing
Use Stories marketing
for full-screen experience to send your customers to your website
Use carousel to show your products or your services
We all know that social media has changed the world of marketing.
but we don't know why
There are three main reasons for this:

1-SMM or Social Media Marketing is the cheapest marketing platform in the world.

2- There may be buttons in this ad (phone number, website, address, direction, order, etc., making it very easy for your customers to contact your company.

3-your ad will be shown to people from your chosen category (age, gender, location, interests, behavior)

To clarify these three points, we'll start with pricing.
The Cost of Social Media Marketing: When we promote something on social media, we pay for 4 major events

Per 1 view
Per a thousand impressions
Per action
Per clicks (conversions)

Meet Anna, She is 20 years old, She is from Kyiv, she loves to shop online and read, And she is a professional athlete.

The smart intelligence of social media will add Anna to a category based on two things.

1 Interest (based on pages she likes and subscribes to, posts she likes, and videos she watches)
2 behaviors (based on her clicks and interactions with the content she sees on her pages).

how Anna loves Dan Brown's page (writer) and she follows the page
Da Vinci Code Fans (Book)
The smart intelligence of social networks will automatically add Anna to the category of interests (Reading, Books).

But as a professional athlete, Anna leads a healthy lifestyle and follows other professional athletes, therefore, intellectual intelligence on social networks will automatically add Anna to the category of interests (sports, health, healthy lifestyle).

Anna buys it and orders sportswear through Facebook and Instagram ads.
Thus, the smart intelligence of social networks will automatically add Anna to the categories of behavior (interested buyer, online buyer, sports book purchases).

So, if you want to target people like Anna,
you need to create an advertisement that includes important information that social networks provide you
The place where you want to show your ad (for anna case Kiev)
Anna's age (from 20 to 30 years old)
interests (online shopper)
behavior (interested buyer)